The good qualities and Cons of Internet dating
Despite the positives of online dating services, it is important to understand the downsides of the filipino bride method of meeting persons. There are a number of factors to consider…
Despite the positives of online dating services, it is important to understand the downsides of the filipino bride method of meeting persons. There are a number of factors to consider…
If you’re in a relationship and questioning what type of relationship to follow, you’re not the only person. Thousands of couples are dealing with a variety of types of…
Despite the positives of online dating sites, it is very important to understand the downsides with this marry a russian girl technique of meeting people. There are a number of…
You may have pointed out that there are certain signs of a good romance right from the start. It can be a bit challenging to pinpoint the early on signs…
PURNAYUDHA.COM – Bertempat di Kp. Cipari Desa Sukarame Kec. Caringin Garut, UPT Puskesmas Sukarame Caringin yang dipmpin Rudani,S.Kep,Ners, dengan didampingi Forkopimcam Caringin, bekerjasama dengan Yayasan Manarul Huda, Klinik Manarul dan…
While chemistry and physical attraction are critical factors, lasting connections require more than physical attraction. Marriage experienced therapist cite one particular quality that couples must have if they really want…
PURNAYUDHA.COM – Memperingati Hari Lahirnya Lembaga Kemanusiaan Aksi Cepat Tanggap (ACT) Garut ke 1 sederet Program kemanusiaan terus dilakukan oleh Tim ACT & MRI Garut. Kali ini adalah Program Operasi…
PURNAYUDHA.COM – 16 september 2021 pukul 09.00 wib bertempat di halaman puskesmas kec,cisompet kab.Garut di laksanakan kegiatan Serbuan Vaksin dosis 1 sinovac untuk masyarakat umum. Hadir pada acara tersebut Bupati…
PURNAYUDHA.COM – Iluni one garut ( ikatan alumni SMP 1 Garut ) bekerjasama dengan Bank BIJ menggelar acara bakti sosial donor darah dalam rangka memperingati hari sumpah pemuda ke 93…
PURNAYUDHA.COM – Bertempat di aula GOR Desa Pamalayan Kec. Cisewu Garut, yang beralamat Jln. Cisewu Rancabuaya Kades Pamalayan H. Budi Rahmat,S.Ag, Pasilitasi penyelenggaraan Gebyar Vaksinasi Covid 19 yang dilaksanakan oleh…